April 5th, 2020. Fabio Gori, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. www.termofluidodinamica.it eucovid19.blogspot.com usacovid19.blogspot.com covid19forecast.blogspot.com forbigaio.blogspot.com Today I have assembled data and forecast of the April 3rd, 2020, of the COVID 19, presenting the total values of EU, US, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and United Kingdom for the first time, as well as the data and forecast for 1000 capita. The forecast of the new cases for Italy has been posted in this blog, with the trend to decrease during the month of April, but I have reported it also here. EU 27. The forecast of the total cases is toward over 760,000, while the same data, rated per 1000 capita, is 1.7. United States. The forecast of the total cases is toward over 460,000, while the same data, rated per 1000 capita, is 1.4. Italy. The forecast of the total cases is toward over 110,000, while the same data, rated per 100...
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